Planning pre-application service
In the UK, a pre-application is an informal process where you can discuss your proposed development with your local planning authority before submitting a formal planning application.
Here's why it's beneficial:
1. Early Feedback and Guidance:
- Identify Potential Issues: A pre-application allows you to discuss your plans with a planning officer and get early feedback on potential issues or concerns. This could include things like:
- Compliance with local planning policies: Does your proposal align with the local development plan?
- Impact on neighbours or the environment: Are there any potential concerns about noise, overshadowing, or other impacts?
- Design considerations: Are there any specific design requirements or guidance that you should be aware of?
- Avoid Costly Mistakes: By addressing potential issues early on, you can avoid making costly changes to your plans later in the formal application process.
2. Increased Chances of Success:
- Improved Application: The feedback from a pre-application can help you refine your plans and submit a stronger, more likely to be approved, formal application.
- Negotiation: It can provide an opportunity to negotiate with the planning authority on certain aspects of your proposal.
3. Faster Processing:
- Streamlined Process: A well-prepared formal application, informed by the pre-application discussions, may be processed more quickly by the planning authority.
How it Works:
- Contact your local planning authority: Inquire about their pre-application process and any specific requirements or fees.
- Submit basic information: This usually includes a site plan, some basic drawings or sketches of your proposed development, and a brief description of your plans.
- Meet with a planning officer: Discuss your proposal and get feedback on the potential issues and concerns.
- Refine your plans: Make any necessary changes based on the feedback received.
Important Note: While a pre-application can be very helpful, it's important to remember that it is not a guarantee of planning permission. The final decision on your application will be made during the formal planning process.